Do you want to pass Magento 2 Associate Exam?

The exam preparation study group is for those who want to prepare for the Magento 2 Associate Developer exam. During the curated instructor-led exam preparation, you will get a solid understanding of the exam requirements and how to successfully pass the exam.

How is the training going?

  • During 10 weeks, you are going to pass 10-15 lessons. You will learn Magento 2 back end and front end components.

  • Lessons are available on schedule. You will have an opportunity to ask questions in a private chat.

  • You will have an opportunity to practice your knowledge with our hand-crafted exam quizzes. This will help you to understand your level and be prepared for a real exam.

  • Every student will get access to a curator. In case of any questions or support, the curator will be happy to help and advise on the next steps.

What about the price?

Choose your plan below.

Whatever plan you choose, you will choose high-quality training and you will be able to pass the exam perfectly.

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