Magento 2 Development Workshop

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Special Price $64.00 Regular Price $297.00

The Magento 2 Development Workshop online course is for those who want to learn how to develop Adobe Commerce (Magento) extensions. 

In the online course, you will build frontend and backend functionality and gain the required knowledge to be a Fullstack Magento 2 Developer.

The online course includes:

  • 1 hour consulting session with Max Pronko
  • 70 video lessons
  • Magento 2 extension source code
  • Personal account
  • Online support
  • Access to the course materials
  • Course curator homework review (included with Lectures Home Work)
  • Mage Mastery Certificate after successful completion (included with Lessons Home Work)

Gain Knowledge

Learn by following detailed lectures that guide you in your development journey to gain new knowledge.

Magento 2.4 Support

The course supports the latest Magento 2 Open Source and Adobe Commerce editions.

Online Support

You will get access to a course curator. The curator will be happy to help and advise on the next steps.

Mage Mastery Certificate

For each course you complete, you receive a shareable Mage Mastery Certificate of Completion.

Embed your certificates in your portfolio, LinkedIn resume, and other websites to show the world that you’re a dedicated and experienced developer.

The Quality You May Expect from the Online Course

Here is a free full course video that covers Magento 2 development techniques.

What is covered in this course:

  • You will build a fully functional Magento 2 extension from start to finish
  • You will learn how to create MySQL database tables via a declarative schema configuration file
  • You will practice creating entity models, services, and interfaces for the Magento 2 extension
  • You will implement REST API endpoints for CRUD operations
  • You will practice working with the Postman API Platform and send HTTP GET/POST requests to the Magento 2 application
  • You will practice with 3rd-party JavaScript libraries such as KnockoutJs, jQuery, and RequireJs
  • You will create a custom UI Component based on KnockoutJs and jQuery libraries
  • You will practice writing unit tests with the PHPUnit 9+ library

Please be prepared to learn the best Magento development practices that will put you 2 heads ahead of your colleagues.

Course Description

During the course, you will build a fully functional Magento 2 extension. We will cover both backend and frontend customization techniques. You will learn how to work with Magento 2 platform, and how to customize it to start building your own Magento 2 extensions. The course covers topics that are required for any Magento 2 developer to work on a day-to-day basis.

You will learn how to write REST API endpoints, build custom Forms and Grids with UI Components, learn frontend stacks such as KnockoutJs, RequireJs, templating, Magento 2 Rendering System, JavaScript async requests & promises, Magento 2 ORM, and Magento 2 frontend libraries, Magento CLI Commands, how to write PHPUnit tests and finally, we will learn how to prepare the extension for Magento Marketplace submission. The course is fully compatible with the latest Magento 2.4.6 Open Source and Adobe Commerce editions.

An Example of The Lesson from This Course

Backend Lecture: Action Controller with Authentication Redirect

Frontend Lecture: Adding Confirm Modal UI Component to delete a task event

Who this course is for:

  • Beginner Magento 2 developers curious about building Magento 2 extensions
  • Web Developers seeking to learn Magento 2 extension development practices
  • Software Developers with Magento 1 experience looking to understand Magento 2 extension development

Course Content

An Overview
  1. Introduction
  1. Magento 2 Open Source Installation
  2. IDE: PHPStorm vs Visual Studio Code
Magento 2 Routing, Controller and Configuration
  1. Magento 2 Extension: First Steps
  2. Adding configuration dependencies
  3. Adding new menu link to the customer account navigation panel
  4. Creating a TODO action controller
  5. Action Controller with Authentication Redirect
  6. Adding new route configuration of the extension
  7. Adding a page title to the TODO page
UI Component, Layout and Templates
  1. Creating a basic TODO template to render tasks
  2. Rendering the TODO template on the TODO page
  3. Creating a basic UI Component for TODO tasks
  4. Adding a TODO UI Component via the declarative configuration
  5. Creating a basic UI Component template
  6. Adding knockout scope to the UI Component
  7. Adding tasks rendering logic in the HTML template
  8. Adding logic for empty tasks list into the HTML template
  9. Adding UI Component via jsLayout attribute of the layout configuration
KnockoutJs, Templates and Styling
  1. Adding tasks to the UI Component defaults
  2. Adding knockout observable variables to track tasks changes
  3. Adding Open and Complete statuses to tasks into the HTML template
  4. Creating CSS styles to task statuses
  5. Adding CSS file via layout configuration on the TODO page
  6. Adding logic to switch between task statuses with Knockout data-bind attribute
  7. Adding delete task button to the HTML template
  8. Adding deletion logic with the help of Knockout click event
  9. Adding Confirm Modal UI Component to delete a task event
  10. Adding the "Add New Task" form to the HTML template
  11. Styling the "Add New Task" form
  12. Creating logic to add a new task into the pool of tasks
  13. Adding the keyup event to add a new task when on the Enter/Return key press
Database Schema, Services, Models, API Interfaces
  1. Creating the database table for tasks using Declarative Schema
  2. Creating a database schema whitelist via command line
  3. Creating a TODO extension’s ORM: Model, Resource Model and Collection
  4. Creating first task with Model and Resource Model
  5. Creating TODO Service API interfaces
  6. Part 1: Creating Task Repository service
  7. Creating TODO Data API interfaces
  8. Part 2: Creating Task Repository service
  9. Implementing Search Results interface for Task Collection class
  10. Creating dependency injection configuration
  11. Retrieving all tasks via Task Repository Service
REST API Endpoints
  1. Adding API endpoint configuration to retrieve a list of tasks
  2. Creating API endpoint service and configuration
  3. Creating Task Save and Delete implementations
  4. Adding required task methods to the Task Data Interface
  5. Configure HTTP GET request to the API endpoint via Postman
  6. Adding AJAX request to the UI Component to retrieve a list tasks
  7. Rendering tasks from a database on the page
  8. Adding API endpoint configuration to update task status
  9. Creating the Task Update API endpoint service and configuration
  10. Adding AJAX POST request to change task status
  11. Adding API endpoint implementation to delete a task
  12. Adding AJAX POST request to handle task deletion
  13. Adding logic for empty tasks list into the HTML template
  14. Adding API endpoint configuration to create a new task
  15. Adjusting Task Management logic for handing task creation
  16. Adding AJAX POST request to handle new task creation
User Interface
  1. Creating Loader component
  2. Improving look and feel of the TODO list
PHPUnit Library and Tests
  1. Setting up PHPUnit for testing
  2. Creating first PHP Unit Tests for the TODO extension
  3. Unit Tests update for PHPUnit 9
Magento Marketplace
  1. Preparing package for Magento Marketplace
Customer Security
  1. Adding a Customer ID filter to the list of tasks
  2. Verifying if a user is logged in to see the TODO list
  3. Restricting webapi endpoints
  4. Fixing the change status logic
Console Commands
  1. Creating and registering CLI Command
  2. Implementing the execute method
  3. Rendering tasks via CLI Command
  4. Using a table to render results in a console
  5. Filtering tasks by a Customer ID in the CLI Command
UI Components and Admin Logic
  1. Adding a backend Todo List page
  2. Adding a UI Component configuration file
  3. Creating UI Listing configuration for ToDo list
  4. Registering an UI Listing Data Provider Handler
  5. Adding remaining columns to the ToDo list
  6. Customizing a Customer Column in the ToDo list
  7. Creating UI Listing Toolbar
  8. Fixing filter fields
  9. Improving UI Listing View component
  10. Adding full-text index for Search Component
Additional Resources
  1. Magento 2.4 Update: API Endpoints Path
  2. Magento 2.4 Update: Composer Dependencies Update


  1. Very instructive and useful
    Not only does the course teach you the concepts clearly, but it shows you where all the things come from.
    I recommend this course to everybody who wants to learn Magento 2

    Review by

    Posted on

  2. Really comprehensible and enjoyable
    Thank you Mage Mastery Team!
    The course is over. I hope I completed most of the tasks correctly.
    It was really comprehensible and enjoyable.
    I promise to attend another one soon.

    Review by

    Posted on

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