Magento 2 Payment Method

Special Price $64.00 Regular Price $297.00

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This online course is for those who want to get their hands dirty with 3rd-party integration with Magento 2. You will learn how to build an online payment method with Payment Gateway API available in Magento 2.

This course includes:

  • 5 hours of on-demand videos
  • 1 downloadable resource
  • Access on mobile and desktop

Gain Knowledge

Learn by following detailed lectures that guide you in your development journey to gain new knowledge.

Magento 2.4 Support

The course supports the latest Magento 2 Open Source and Adobe Commerce editions.

Online Support

You will get access to a course curator. The curator will be happy to help and advise on the next steps.

What is covered in this course:

  • You will build a fully functional Magento 2 extension from start to finish
  • You will learn everything you need to know about Payment Gateway API in Magento 2
  • You will practice creating entity models, services, and interfaces for Magento 2 extension
  • You will implement REST API endpoints for CRUD operations
  • You will practice with 3rd-party JavaScript libraries such as KnockoutJs, jQuery and RequireJs
  • You will create custom Checkout UI components based on KnockoutJs and jQuery libraries
  • You will integrate Magento 2 with Authorize.NET payment service


During the course, you will build a fully functional payment integration between Authorize.NET and Magento 2. We will cover both backend and frontend customization techniques. You will learn how to work with Magento 2 Payment Gateway API, and how to customize checkout experience it in order to integrate an online payment system with Magento 2. The course covers topics that are required for a software developer who is tasked to integrate Magento 2 ecommerce website with online payment system in order to start accepting online payments. You will learn how to write REST API endpoints, checkout experience, learn frontend stacks such as Checkout UI Components, KnockoutJs, RequireJs, templating, Magento 2 Rendering System, JavaScript async requests & promises, Magento 2 ORM, and Magento 2 frontend libraries, Magento CLI Commands, how to work with Payment Gateway API in Magento 2 and finally, we will learn how to build order management capabilities. The course is fully compatible with the latest Magento 2.4.6 Open Source and Adobe Commerce editions.

Who this course is for:

  • Software developers who would like to learn how to build payment integrations with Magento 2
  • Magento 2 developers seeking to learn Magento 2 Payment Gateway API
  • Software Developers with Magento 1 experience looking to understand Magento 2 extension development

Course Content

GitHub Repository Setup
  1. Registering a GitHub account
  2. Creating a repository for Magento 2 Payment Module
  3. Cloning the Repository to Local Environment
  4. Creating a modman file and pushing it to the repository
  5. Installing the latest Magento 2 application
  6. Initialising new Magento 2 module in the project with modman
Magento 2 Extension
  1. Creating the registration.php file
  2. Creating the module.xml file
  3. Creating the config.xml file
  4. Creating the file
  5. Enabling the Magento 2 module
  6. Pushing the module into the remote repository
Module 2
  1. Payment Method Rendering Overview
  2. Payment Method Configuration Overview
  3. Payment Method Configuration
  4. Payment Gateway Configuration
  5. Payment Gateway Configuration Code
  6. Frontend Part Payment Method
  7. Creating Payment Method Renderer
  8. Creating View Payment Renderer List
  9. Generic Credit Card Config Provider
  10. Payment Method Templates
  11. Registering Payment Component in the Frontend Layout
  12. Adding Method to the Method Renderer
  13. Gateway Config Class Declaration
  14. Creating New Product for Checkout Test
  15. First Order with the new Payment Method
Module 3
  1. Payment Provider Account overview
  2. Payment provider technical documentation API overview
  3. Assigning payment data from the form to the payment object
  4. Charge Command Infrastructure Overview
  5. Charge Request Builder
  6. Charge Builder class
  7. Payment Request Builder
  8. Product Items request builder class
  9. Totals Request Builder class
  10. Address Request Builder class
  11. Charge Request Composite Builder Configuration
  12. Transfer Factory class
  13. Http Client class
  14. Gateway JSON Converters
  15. Walkthrough objects and Order Placement
  16. Payment Details Handler
  17. Response Validator
  18. Transaction Handler
  19. Gateway Config
  20. Payment Labels Plugin
Visa Checkout
  1. Visa Checkout Experience Overview
  2. Visa Checkout Technical Implementation Overview
  3. Payment Method Rendering
  4. UI & SDK Configuration
  5. REST API Endpoint
  6. Payment Gateway API
  7. VISA Checkout Demo
Order Management
  1. Order Management Payment Action Overview Premium
  2. Authorize Payment Action
  3. Authorize Command


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