Magento 2 Blog


Learn Magento 2 development concepts and gain knowledge by building a fully functional Blog extension for Magento 2 Open Source. The course will help you develop the necessary skills to become an Adobe Commerce Developer Expert.

This course includes:

  • Hours of on-demand videos
  • 1 downloadable resource
  • Access on mobile and desktop

Gain Knowledge

Learn by following detailed lectures that guide you in your development journey to gain new knowledge.

Magento 2.4 Support

The course supports the latest Magento 2 Open Source and Adobe Commerce editions.

Online Support

You will get access to a course curator. The curator will be happy to help and advise on the next steps.

What is covered in this course:

  • You will build a fully functional Magento 2 extension from start to finish
  • You will practice writing unit tests with PHPUnit 9+ library
  • You will learn how to create MySQL database tables via a declarative schema configuration file
  • You will practice creating entity models, services, and interfaces for Magento 2 extension
  • You will practice with 3rd-party JavaScript libraries such as KnockoutJs, jQuery and RequireJs
  • You will create a custom UI Component based on KnockoutJs and jQuery libraries
  • You will learn UI Components such as Form and Listing

Please be prepared to learn the best Magento development practices that will put you 2 heads ahead of your colleagues.

Who this course is for:

  • Beginner Magento 2 developers curious about building Magento 2 extensions
  • Web Developers seeking to learn Magento 2 extension development practices
  • Software Developers with Magento 1 experience looking to understand Magento 2 extension development
  • Magento 2 developer, PHP developer, web developer, software developer

Course Content

Backend Functionality
  1. Magento 2 Model, Resource, Collection for Post
  2. How CRUD works in Magento 2?
  3. How to create a page in Magento 2 admin?
  4. Creating Post Listing Component
  5. Creating a Post Edit Page in Magento 2 Admin
  6. Creating a Post Form UI Component
  7. Creating Form Buttons
  8. Saving data with Action Controller to database table
  9. Adding an Edit Action into the Post UI Listing
  10. Adding Delete Action for UI Listing
  11. Declarative Post Database Table
Storefront Business Logic
  1. Creating Storefront Blog Page
  2. Showing Posts on the Blog Page
  3. Adding Blog Pagination Support
  4. Adding Blog Pager Component
  5. Post Card on Blog Page
  6. Introduction to Unit Testing with Magento 2
  7. Custom Router in Magento 2
  8. Render with Template, View Model and Layout
Advanced Logic
  1. Image Uploader
  2. Saving Image into a Database
  3. Render a Post Featured Image


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