Test Case and Checklist

In this lesson, we will learn about the test case and checklist. The reason why I combined both of these topics is simple - related actions that have simple meanings so it will not deal with a lot of problems for any QA engineer with any level of seniority.

Let's start with the Test Case - it is a case of different conditions and variables for QA engineers to understand that the system or the product is working as expected by the business logic or working correctly.

There are a lot of various test case systems to manage them efficiently but each has its own attributes of the test case itself. But it is pretty easy to identify the main attributes of any test case, they are:

  • Test Suite ID (it is the ID of the folder of test cases where belongs this case);
  • Test Case ID (It is the ID of the test case in the tracking system);
  • Summary (It summary/objective of the test case);
  • Steps to reproduce (It is detailed steps to reproduce to execute the test case );
  • Expected result (Simple as that, expected result after executing test case);
  • Status (Pass or Fail. Other statuses could be in the case of the not finished execution of the test case.)

Other attributes of the test case are not mandatory, so they can vary from system to system.

Checklist - this is even easier, basically it is the list of test cases that should be performed during any type of the specified testing process with the ability to check that every part of the functionality is tested and nothing is forgotten.

There can be found checklist systems for tracking everything, but usually is used by default Excel or Google Spreadsheet for managing them all.

Checklists can be divided into separate blocks with titles for each part like: Homepage, Category page, Product details page, etc. if we are talking about e-commerce sites.

So during this lesson, we checked the basic positions for any testing process which are mandatory for each ‘well-oiled’ QA engineer team.

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