Magento Command-line tool

Max Pronko
10 Lessons 20m

Magento 2 is a modern PHP-based e-commerce framework. As with every framework, it provides a command-line interface for performing different operations with the system. It includes the installation of a website, enabling additional plugins, modifying data, and performing maintenance activities such as caching, security, and performance-related commands. Magento 2 includes a so-called Magento CLI which stands for Magento Command Line Interface that ships together with Magento 2.

What’s Included:

  • 10 Lessons
  • 1 downloadable resource
  • Accompanying Text-Based Tutorial
  • Video Subtitles and Full Transcripts

About Max Pronko

Max Pronko

Max is a Magento 2 developer and programming instructor passionate about making it easier to learn complex skills. He is a Youtuber and Magento 2 Professional Certified developer who has been involved in the evolution of the Magento platform before joining Mage Mastery.

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